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Presentación de fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

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Blog de fan 2 Yaoi

Boys Love Commission : Kumarai x Miki

Waist up boys love commission for Ash, thank you! :heart:

Commission Info


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Boys Love Commission: Kumarai x Miki (Sketch)

WIP of waist up boys love commission for Ash

Since it's only a sketch, I let myself play some with effects, I was thinking lately a lot about my old techniques of coloring, from like two or three years ago, when this kind of mono-colored sketches were all I was able to do back then. I tried to recreate my methods from back then, but I quickly started to feel extremely unsatisfied about it, so I started to play some with brushes and textures and everything and somehow it turned this way. Not really a tribute to my old techniques, but it was fun either way. As much as I feel nostalgic about my old art, I am much more happy with detailed coloring I do now.

Commission Info


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original



Trigger, my buddy’s character. He’s a pitbull gijinka :iconcoolplz:

I also made a sepia version, which I pretty much like as well, it's more intense and dramatic I think, you can find it here Trigger watermark sepia by Yaoi-World

character belongs to :iconmusicinrain:


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Portrait Commission - Fred

Portrait commission for lainykins. Thank you very much!

Commission Info


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Boys Love Commission: Ryou x Ayumu

Full body couple commission for :iconsyoi: of their and :iconmocchu:'s characters, Ryou and Ayumu. I had pretty much fun with the background :iconlazingplz:

Commission Info


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Kazuma x Yaozu: Good luck kiss

My friend raevene, is leaving to Japan so I wanted to wish her good luck and draw for her our gay boyfriends being all fucking cute and sweet and in love. I'm absolutely happy for her!

I suffer from an artblock recently and instead of drawing something simple, I make some fucking impossible angles and poses, good job me o<-<

Yaozu belongs to me
Kazuma belongs to :iconraevene:


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original



In recent RP with Rae, Yaozu and Kazuma went out for a date and Yao won a huge plush dolphin in shooting game, so as a stress relief I made some sketches of Yao lazing on it and being grumpy. I kinda like these sketches though they are very rough and messy, I decided to upload them anyway (also moving to the new place went smoothly but now I’m sick o<-<)

Yaozu belongs to me


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Small update (moving out and short moment offline)

De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Kazuma x Yaozu 01

So a while ago I finished the first page of a short comic which suppose to be a valentines gift for my friend raevene It’s a slice of life thing of our RP OCs, Yaozu and Kazuma being dwerps. Yaozu has this weird habit of sleeping on the far edge of bed, no matter how much wrapped around Kazuma he falls asleep. I completely improvised with Kazuma’s tattoo and whole room and just everything lol.  I hope to finish the next two, three pages soon-ish if I get more free time

Reading from left to right, lets try to not be weaboos for once gfsdfs

Yaozu belongs to me, Kazuma belongs to YaozuBig Fool Emoji-09 (Whatever) [V2]/SLAPPED jk he belongs to :iconraevene:


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


Valentines Special Commission: Conner x Hero

Prize of my Valentine's Day Commission Auction for Samonsea! Thanks a lot!

Happy Valentines guys! :heart:

Commission Info


De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original

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